There is a great increase in the discussion about the impor- tance of AI in the recent time leading to future discussions about the existence of Artificial Intelligence in the world. The idea of creating AI is aimed at making human life easier. However, there is still a big debate about advantages and disadvantages of AI in the whole.

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With the introduction and successful implementa- tion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions, many industries in the world are and will benefit from increased profitability and will still have good economic growth rates. In addi- tion, artificial Intelligence opportunities will be aiming at innovative, human centered approaches and measuring the applicability of robotic technology to various industries and companies in the entire world. Artificial Intelligence will also revolutionize the way different companies in the world grow and compete by representing new production ideas that will derive profitability in businesses. So as to realize such opportunities, it will require most of the companies in the world to become more active in the development of various Artificial Intelligence strate- gies such as placing human factors to central nucleus.

In addition, they will focus on developing various responsible Artificial Intelligence machines having moral and ethical values which will result into positive results and empow- erment of people to do things that they are well versed with.

Construction of various Artificial Intelligence systems will help the entire world to industrial sector to presuppose the available symbolic structures such as, the ability to reason and also knowledge existence. In addition, at the time Artificial Intelligence acquires intelligence greater or equal to that of human beings, there will be a concern about social and political change .In furthermore, AI will have all the advantages of colonize the world without the help of human beings. In the near future, self-replicating AI could be made where human colonies beyond the earth will never have potentials to fight in the free space with critical terms. The future Artificial Intelligence in various regions in the world may be as a result of various investigation technologies such as stellar travel, teleportation and others.


In this case, it is more likely that Artificial Intelligence innovations will strongly emerge in conceivable future. In next decades, the future of AI will be concerned on improv- ing speech, voice, video conferencing and face recognition. Further, Artificial Intelligence will aid for providing the personal assistances and fully automate systems, which will provide assistance in monitoring and surveillance, perform- ing heavy workloads and many others.

In addition, the future of Artificial Intelligence technology such as robotics will be ensuring self-driven cars, delivery robots and many others. With the great improvement in computer versions and legged locomotion, the robots within environments will become more practical hence helping in agriculture and other service settings. In addition, the robotics will improve on the service delivery hence reducing domestic chores.

Further- more, as Artificial Intelligence robotics is developing search engines, there will be provision of personal assistance and language gasps by use of mobile devices. The development of search engines will lead to significant synthesize and improvement of the quality of information.

Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence tool will improve the medical and bio-logical system hence reducing the complexity and volume of information challenges concerned human abilities. Artificial intelligence will be used in the algorithm that materializes various systems and programs. Artificial intelligence will consist of specific hardware and software which intends to imitate the way of human brain performance. In general, the areas of Artificial Intelligence application will widely cover both emerging and traditional technologies.

Recent research on AI considerably provide the potential effects on organization and industries, for example, the AI technology will be aiming at improving the area of data science to almost 9.6%, business intelligence to 7.8%, patient and health care to about 6.3%, speech recognition 5.3%, computer vision 5.6%, improve defense and aerospace system to about 5.3% and natural language processing to about 5.1%.

The role of Artificial Intelligence tools on product manufacturing operations will lead to toward employment, flexibility and responsive chain of supply. In addition, AI roles will also result to reliable forecasting demands, inventory accuracy and optimization of schedules. The roles of AI will therefore benefit quicker, smarter and environmental efficient process.

AI application in security and defense will majorly focus on infrastructure protection. Currently Artificial Intelligence facilitates the power plant, airport and economic sectors which are quite hard to detect attacks, individuals anoma- lous predication of disruption by man-made and natural causes. Within logistics area, the intervention of Artificial Intel- ligence will contain efficient vehicles that will be in position to route and make necessary adaptive delivery schedules. In the financial service sector, Artificial Intelligence tools will contain system failure and risk alerts aiming at decreasing malicious attacks various financial systems; such as fraud, market manipulation and reduction in market volatility and trading costs.

In the agriculture sector, the intelligent solutions will provide intelligent production mechanisms for processing, consumption, storage and distribution. The Artificial solution will also provide given timely data on crops that will involve use of proper materials such as chemicals and fertilizers. Artificial Intelligence will also be used in consumer goods and services so as to utilize machine learning processes to match consumer demand and enable them get best ;practices at reduced ;prices. In communication sector, there will be improvement in bandwidth and storage and Web translation languages.

Within the education sector, Artificial Intelligence solution will intervene basic meaningful adaptive learning basing on adaptive learning complemented by individual learning in the classroom, accurate measurement of student’s sensitivity and development of students. Easy manual techniques and judgment will be supplemented by artificial intelligence. The medical & health-care will provide various health eval- uations to patients, decision support for prescribing drugs and indication. Artificial intelligence will be used in large- scale genome researches to determine new drugs, give nec- essary support for finding new genetic problems, efficiency and safety. The evidence based health and medicine will help various physicians gain confidence which will require supplementary support by patients.

In customer service sector, AI systems will provide the virtual assistants which will aim at increasing the reproduction and interpretation abilities of human language with greater precision. For example, chat bots redraw the landscape of the IT ecosys- tem. They will replace themselves and applications, and service personnel in companies, and even entire operating systems. Chat-bot (Chat-bot) – this program will contain an interlocutor, which will be designed to communicate and help people. At the other end, there will be a complex system based on several Artificial Intelligence technologies. Chat bots, oriented to business tasks, will help to can take up best flights, diet, fitness trainings, booking of a hotel, make purchase, that is to say; they will represent a unique sub-sector of assistance and advice.

Personal assistants are a kind of incarnation of chat bots, although more common because the technology will be developed by the largest IT companies. Currently, hundreds of millions of people interact with personal digital assistants on platforms such as Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook and others. This technology with the help of personal assistants and chat-bots will be more effective which will make a great transition from the graphical user interface (GUI) to the Conversational User Interface (CUI) the key trend of the next decades.

The predictive algorithms and machine learning based on AI tools will provide sales forecasts in specific markets and also effective provision and optimization of inventory as they will help forecast in- come and determine the necessary quantities of a particular input. In addition, modern Artificial Intelligence systems will control robotics to provide surveillance, security and attacks without threatening the human life in Warfield

AI applications in robotics will have diverse objectives related to automation of military applications, industrial processes and space exploration. The use of AI technology in medicine and surgeries will significantly help in provision of safe work as the machinery occupied will reduce the degree of error that could occur in surgery, avoid a tragic outcome.

Artificial Intelligence will considerably remark the provision of remedial and control actions in the aftermath of man- made and environmental disasters. Within disasters, the considerable will optimize the mobile networks and allocate the smart bandwidth. Further, the satellite feed and unmanned drones having image recognition and processing feature will help in assessing damage of infrastructure and provide predictions aimed at avoiding traffic congestion and various structural stability by adopting the adaptive routing system.

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