How advanced is today’s artificial intelligence and what can it do?

How advanced is today’s artificial intelligence and what can it do?

How advanced is today’s artificial intelligence and what can it do?

How advanced is today’s artificial intelligence and what can it do?

How advanced is today’s artificial intelligence?

Todays Artificial Intelligence (robotics) has the capabilities to imitate human intelligence, performing various tasks that require thinking and learning, solve problems and make various decisions. Artificial Intelligence software or programs that are inserted into robots, computers, or other related systems which them necessary thinking ability.

However, much of the current Artificial Intelligence systems (robotics) are still under debate as they still need more research on their way of solving tasks. Therefore Artificial Intelligence machines or systems should be in position to perform the required tasks by without exercising errors.

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In addition, Robotics should be in position to perform various tasks without any human control or assistance. Todays artificial intelligence such as robotic cars are highly progressing with high performance capabilities such as controlling traffic, minimizing their speed, making from self-driving cars to the SIRI, the artificial intelligence is rapidly progressing. The current attention towards por- traying the artificial intelligence in robots for developing the human-like characteristics considerably increases the human dependence towards the technology. In addition, the artificial intelligence (AI) ability towards effectively performing every narrower and cognitive task considerably increases the peoples dependence towards the technology. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools having the ability to process huge amounts of data by computers can give those who control them and analyze all the information.

Today, this considerably increases the threat which makes someone’s ability to extract and analyze data in a massive way. Recently, Artificial intelligence is reflected as the artificial representation of human brain which tries to sim- ulate their learning process with the aim of mimicking the human brain power. It is necessary to reassure everyone that artificial intelligence equal to that of human brain which is unable to be created. Till now, we operate only part of our capabilities. As currently, the level of knowledge is rapidly developing, it takes only a part of the human brain. As the potential of human brain is incommensurably higher than we can now imagine and prove.

Within human brain, there are approximately 100 trillion electrically conducting cells or neurons, which provide an incredible computing power to perform the tasks rapidly and efficiently. It is analyzed from the research that till now computer has the ability to perform the tasks of multiplication of 134,341 by 989,999 in an efficient manner but still unable to perform the things like the learning and changing the understanding of world and recognition of human faces.

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How advanced is today’s artificial intelligence and what can it do?
How advanced is today's artificial intelligence and what can it do?

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