Indian AI Market Opportunities- Human Resources

Indian AI Market- Human Resources


72% of AI professionals possess the skill of DB query languages.
Delhi holds the maximum share (31%) of jobs for AI professionals in 2022.
City wise median salary reveals that Mumbai has the highest salary for AI professionals at INR 17.8L.

Human Resources

This section deals with the overall AI talent scenario in India - skillset and experience that AI professionals possess, jobs available for them based on experience, geography and sector, and median salaries of AI professionals.

#1. Top skills AI professionals possess

As the focus on scalable ML applications grows, the line between the roles of data professionals and software engineers will grow thinner. This will lead to more AI professionals that can use scripting languages.

A higher share of AI professionals will be proficient in building complex ML solutions like NLP, DL, CV, etc. An ability to build Conventional ML models like regression, decision trees, SVMs, etc., will become a must-have skill for a career in AI.

#2. Share of AI professionals by years of experience

Formalisation of data science programmes leading to specialised UG/PG courses in Data Science is enabling younger professionals to take up careers in AI.

#3. Share of open AI jobs across cities

Delhi is slowly becoming the hub for niche technology startups. MNCs are also opting to set up captives in the NCR region.
Good infrastructure, an efficient transport system, and proximity to the central government are attracting investment leading to a higher share of open AI jobs.

#4. Share of open AI jobs across years of experience

While younger professionals are choosing AI careers, enterprises still prefer experienced folks since the cost of upskilling and inducting freshers into teams remains high.

#5. Share of open AI jobs across sectors

A significant portion of BFSI enterprises, especially public sector banks, are in the early stages of AI adoption. This is leading to more jobs in the sector and demands professionals with good domain knowledge.

#6. Median Salary of AI professionals across cities

A higher cost of living keeps Mumbai at the top as AI professionals in the city command the highest salary at INR 17.8 lakhs per annum.

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Indian AI Market Opportunities- Human Resources

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