How to Start and Grow a Podcast With AI

This article reveals the best AI tools and techniques to start and grow a podcast in 2023

The global podcasting market was valued at $18.5 billion in 2021, and it’s expected to grow to $130 billion in 2030.

It might feel like every man and his dog has a podcast, but starting a podcast is still a huge opportunity.

Entrepreneurs on Fire is a podcast that interviews entrepreneurs, and makes over $200k every month. Sean Green earns $30k a month talking about sports gambling on his podcast, SGP.

With the help of AI tools, it has never been easier to start your own podcast and replicate these success stories.

Should I start a podcast?

Imagine you started a podcast today.

Now imagine yourself this time next year, and every single podcast episode you publish gets thousands of downloads.

Here are some of the benefits you could expect:

Earn an income: Sponsors start paying you to feature their products and services in your podcast.Establish yourself as a thought leader: You have established yourself as an expert in your niche. That means more employers want you to work for them, more clients want to hire your services, and more opportunities regularly land in your inbox.100x your network: As your podcast grows, increasingly high-profile people are happy to be a guest on your podcast.Communication skills off the charts: By committing to deliver podcasts week-in, week-out, you’ll be continuously sharpening your communication skills.

If you enjoy talking, or your type of content is particularly suited to the podcast format, then starting a podcast can be a really shrewd career move. 

How can I use AI to start and grow my podcast?

When it comes to using AI to grow your podcast, I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news: AI can’t do everything for you. The more creative, interesting and entertaining your content is, the better it will perform. As it stands, there is no AI tool that can beat the good old human brain at creating high-quality content.

The good news: You can use AI tools to reduce the time it takes to manage your podcast by 75%. It will also drastically reduce the costs of editing and promoting your podcast content (something that usually stops many people from even starting).

Here is the AI tech stack you can use to make some huge cost and time savings.

1. Preparing the episode research brief

Brainstorming: Use ChatGPT to brainstorm podcast content ideas.Summarize short-form content: Summarize short-form content (like tweets and short articles) with ChatGPT. Ask ChatGPT to pick out the most important parts of the content, and how you can use it in your upcoming podcast.Summarize long-form content: Summarize long-form content (like books and video transcripts) using

2. Write podcast scripts

Research: Use Perplexity to research and understand complex topics.Find stats and studies: Use Consensus to find stats and studies. You can use this data to create powerful arguments and theories that resonate with your audience.Generate interesting questions: Use ChatGPT to generate a variety of interesting questions and discussion points in relation to a specific topic.Script writing: Use ChatGPT to write parts of the script. Pro tip: Use ChatGPT’s results as a first draft and then add your own personality and tone in the second draft.

3. Record the podcast

In theory, you could use tools like Eleven labs to generate AI voices to narrate the podcast. However, these voices (in my opinion) lack the personality and emotion that an audience desperately craves.

I would stick to my own brain and voice, if I was you.

4. Podcast post-production

Descript has some outrageously powerful and useful tools for anyone with a podcast.

Here are just a few of the ways you can use it:

Remove filler words: Purge your recordings of “ums,” “uhs”, “you knows”, and a dozen other filler words with a click.
Remove background noise: Remove noise, enhance speech and sound like a pro with acoustic echo cancellation and audio quality enhancement — in one click.
Regenerate imperfections: Correct mismatched tone, enhance lackluster dialogue, or remove annoying background noise. No need to re-record when you can just regenerate it with AI. When I first heard about this tool, I honestly didn’t believe it was possible… until I saw the video below.

No sound engineer could do this

Now we’re getting more sophisticated tools in descript

AI tooling is going to kick into overdrive this autumn.

— Linus (●ᴗ●) (@LinusEkenstam) September 1, 2023

5. Promote the podcast

Make short-form content: If you are making also recording your podcast on camera, you can use Opus to turn long-form content into lots of different viral clips. You can share these clips on TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts to help promote your podcast.
Generate articles and social media posts: Use Claude and / or ChatGPT to repurpose your content into blogs and social media posts.

I want to learn more about AI tools!

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The post How to Start and Grow a Podcast With AI appeared first on WGMI Media.

 It might feel like every man and his dog has a podcast, but starting a podcast is still a huge opportunity. Especially with the help of AI.
The post How to Start and Grow a Podcast With AI appeared first on WGMI Media.  AI, Featured, AI tools, ChatGPT, descript, podcast, post production ai tools Read More 

How to Start and Grow a Podcast With AI

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