AI Use Cases and Applications in Human Resources

AI Use Cases in Human Resources

AI Use Cases in HR


Hiring is a prediction game: Which candidate, starting at a specific position, will contribute more to the company? Machine and recruiting chatbots‘ better data processing capabilities augment HR employees in various parts of hiring such as finding qualified candidates, interviewing them with bots to understand their fit or evaluating their assessment results to decide if they should receive an offer.

Performance Management

Manage your employees’ performance effectively and fairly without hurting their motivation. Follow their KPI’s on your dashboard and provide real-time feedback.

This would increase employee satisfaction and lower your organization’s employee turnover. Actualize your employee’s maximum professional potential with the right tools.

HR Retention Management

Predict which employees are likely to churn and improve their job satisfaction to retain them. Detect the underlying reasons for their motive for seeking new opportunities. By keeping them at your organization, lower your human capital loss.

HR Analytics

HR analytics services are like the voice of employee analysis. Look at your workforce analytics and make better HR decisions. Gain actionable insights and impactful suggestions for higher employee satisfaction.

Digital Assistant

Digital assistants are mature enough to replace real assistants in email communication. Include them in your emails to schedule meetings. They have already scheduled hundreds of thousands of meetings. Use the power of artificial intelligence in your day to day activities. Your own on-demand powerful AI-backed assistant is helping you 24/7.

Building Management

Sensors and advanced analytics improve building management. Integrate IoT systems in your building for lower energy consumption and many more. Increase the available data by implementing the right data collection tools for effective building management.

Employee Monitoring

Monitor your employees for better productivity measurement. Provide objective metrics to see how well they function. Forecast their overall performance with the availability of massive amounts of data.

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AI Use Cases and Applications in Human Resources

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